STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.
STEM is of the utmost importance because of the role these subjects play at multiple levels of society, and the tremendous impact they have.
- Our economy revolves around mathematics such as accounting and economics.
- Computers, phones, apps and communication revolve around Technology.
- Without engineering we wouldn’t have cars, bridges, buildings or aircraft.
- Medical research is fueled by the study of chemistry and biology, and environmental efforts like sustainable energy and nuclear power are also improved by the sciences.
At Mullumbimby High School STEM is a practical, hands-on subject that involves working in small teams to complete set challenges and projects. Year 7 participates in one double lesson per fortnight of STEM. Term 1 involves completing small, fortnightly challenges to improve your teamwork, practical, problem solving and communication skills. The remainder of the year involves working towards building a model Eco-House focusing on sustainability and renewables energies after completing design and research lead-up tasks.